Illini Swing introduces our MONTHLY Saturday swing mini-workshop + Live band dance, The Courtyard Caper!
Charleston Mini-Workshop with Instructor Nicole Frydman
Afternoon classes focused on a topic to grow your dancing and have fun before an evening of live band swing dancing! Mark your calendars!
"There are several dance styles that inspired the creation of Lindy Hop. Charleston is one of those sources. A lot of what we dance in Lindy can be traced back to Charleston, but modern Lindy Hop dancers might not even be aware of this. In this class, we will explore some of those origins, while also learning some fun variations that can add to your dance vocabulary."
Charleston workshop classes prerequisite: "Students taking this class should be comfortable social dancing at a variety of tempos, mixing 6 and 8 count moves, executing swingouts, and have learned at least the charleston basic step
Instructor Bio
Nicole Frydman has been dancing a variety of styles of dance for 46 years, dancing swing for 28 years, and teaching swing for 25 years. She knows for a fact that everyone can learn to dance. All it takes is an open mind and a willingness to be bad at something before you’re good at something.
One of the main concepts behind her teaching theory is, “The road to Good is Suck. There is no other road. We all start out as novices and only get good through practice. So, don’t be afraid to suck. Because the truth is, you do! But it’s temporary if you’re open to just a little bit of effort. And the great news is that dancing swing is super fun while you’re learning. Bonus!"
Band: New Orleans Jazz Machine
1-4pm mini-workshop *Location: Channing Murray Urbana, IL
Evening *Location: Courtyard Illini Union
7-8pm Drop-in lesson - No Experience or Partner needed
8-10:30pm Social Dance
MONTHLY Courtyard Caper Dates:
March 08 - Workshop Theme: Charleston
April 12 - Workshop Theme: TBD
May 03 - Workshop Theme: TBD
UIUC Current Student Ticket
- Workshop Classes: $15
- Evening Dance: No Cost - UIUC Students may attend live band dance at no cost due to SORF support (bring ID)
General Ticket
- General Ticket: $20 (includes workshop + Live band dance)
- Evening Only Ticket (General): $10 (includes drop-in lesson + Live band dance)
Registration: Opening now
Evening Band Dance: SORF Supported